HM Dev Apps

100 Status Pepatah Bijak 1.0
HM Dev
Aplikasi 100 Status Pepatah Bijak untuk kamuyang ingin update status social mediamu menggunakan kata- katapepatah bijak yang dapat menjadi penyemangat hidupmu dan teman -temanmu.Kata - kata pada aplikasi ini tidak hanya untuk update statusmedia social, namun juga dapat dikirimkan (share) kepada orang -orang terdekatmu seperti pacar, teman, sahabat, kesayangan, cintadan yang lainnya untuk memotivasi mereka melalui sms, line, WA,bbm, dan sebagainya.Semoga bermanfaat :)Applications 100 StatusWise proverb for you who want to update social status mediamu usewords wise saying that can be encouraging life and friends -friends.Word - word on this application not only to update the status ofsocial media, but also can be transmitted (share) to people -people your closest as a boyfriend, friend, friend, pet, love andothers to motivate them through sms, line, WA, bbm , etc.May be useful :)
100 Status Motivasi 1.0
HM Dev
Status motivasi untuk kamu yang membutuhkanmotivasi lebih dalam menjalani hidup. Aplikasi status motivasi initerdapat macam - macam motivasi yaitu motivasi hidup, motivasicinta, dan motivasi lainnya.Kata Motivasi pada aplikasi ini dapat kamu jadikan status mediasocialmu, dan dapat juga kamu kirim ke sahabat, pacar, kesayangan,orang tercinta dan orang yang tersayang dalam hidupmu.Semoga bermanfaat :)Status motivation for youwho need more motivation in life. Application status of thesemotivations are kind of - kind of motivation is motivation to live,love motivation, and motivation of others.Motivation word on this application you can make socialmu mediastatus, and you can also send to friends, girlfriends, favorite,loved ones and loved ones in your life.May be useful :)
100 Kata Cinta Romantis 1.0
HM Dev
100 kata cinta romantis merupakan kumpulankata - kata cinta romantis yang dapat anda kirimkan kepada orangyang anda sayang, seperti : pacar, teman dekat, sahabat, dll.Kata cinta didalam aplikasi ini dapat anda share ke socialmedia.Semoga bermanfaat :)100 words romantic loveis a collection of words - words of romantic love that you can sendto the person you love, such as: a boyfriend, a close friend,friend, etc.The word love in this application can be shared to socialmedia.May be useful :)
17 Lagu Wajib Nasional 1.0
HM Dev
Aplikasi 17 lagu wajib nasional berisi liriklagu wajib kebangsaan nasional. Lagu yang ada pada aplikasi iniadalah lagu yang sering digunakan dalam acara kenegaraan maupunsekolah. Lagu yang terdapat pada aplikasi lagu nasional ini adalahIndonesia Raya, Maju Tak Gentar, Ibu Kita Kartini, Bagimu Negri,Dari Sabang Sampai Merauke, dll.Aplikasi ini menyediakan fitur share lirik yang ada, sehingga andadapat share lirik ke social media maupun private message kesiapapun.Selamat Mencoba, semoga bermanfaat :)Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia ke - 70Hari Ulang Tahun Republik Indonesia ke - 70HUT RI ke - 70Applications 17 nationalanthem contains the lyrics of the national anthem national. Songsthat are on this application is a song that is often used in theevent of a state or school. Songs contained in the application isthe national anthem Indonesia Raya, Maju Tak Undaunted, Ibu KitaKartini, Bagimu Negri, from Sabang to Merauke, etc.This application provides features to share the lyrics are there,so you can share the lyrics to social media as well as privatemessage to anybody.Good luck, may be useful :)Long live the Republic of Indonesia to - 70Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia to - 70HUT RI - 70
Resep Masakan Padang Free 1.0
HM Dev
Aplikasi Resep Masakan Padang ini merupakanaplikasi resep makanan asli minang untuk anda yang menyukai masakanPadang dan ingin mencoba memasak sendiri di rumah. Pada aplikasiini terdapat resep masakan Rendang, resep dendeng daging, resepayam goreng cabe ijo, dan lain - lain.Aplikasi ini ringan dan cocok buat anda yang ingin memasak masakanpadang.Application RecipesPadang is a native application minang recipes for those who likePadang cuisine and want to try to cook it yourself at home. In thisapplication, there are recipes Rendang, beef jerky recipe, recipefried chicken green chili, and others - others.This application is lightweight and suitable for those of you whowant to cook a desert.
10+ Resep Olahan Pisang 1.0
HM Dev
Aplikasi resep olahan pisang untuk anda yangingin membuat berbagai makanan enak dengan bahan dasar pisang. Padaaplikasi ini terdapat lebih dari 10 resep yang dapat anda coba,seperti resep pisang goreng coklat, resep pisang goreng keju, reseppisang goreng pangsit, resep es pidang ijo, dan resep - reseppidang lainnya.Pada aplikasi resep olahan pisang ini juga diterangkan secaradetail bahan dasar, bahan pelengkap dan cara membuat step bystep.Semoga apliaksi ini bermanfaat untuk anda :)Applications processedbanana recipes for those who want to make a variety of deliciousfoods with basic ingredients bananas. In this application, thereare more than 10 recipes that you can try, such as fried bananachocolate recipe, recipe fried banana cheese, fried plantaindumpling recipes, recipe ice pidang green, and recipes - recipesother pidang.On the application of processed banana recipe is also describedin detail the basic materials, supplementary materials and how tomake step by step.Hopefully this apliaksi useful for you :)
Alphabet for Kids & Fun 1.0
HM Dev
Features on the application Alphabeta Thischild is the complete alphabet letters plus the vocal usingIndonesian and English. This application is suitable for smallchildren who are learning to pronounce the letter Aphabeta usingIndonesian and English.The look of the application is also attractive, so it is not boringfor the children to see it.
Infoisco 1.0
HM Dev
ISCO (Islamic Studies Center Online) kinimerilis aplikasi resmi (official) untuk Android agar memudahkanpara pemirsa INFOISCO yang menggunakan Android Smartphone.Aplikasi ini menyajikan informasi seputar dunia Islam, ilmupengetahuan, artikel-artikel berkualitas, kajiannya bersifatprogresif, mencakup segala aspek, tidak berafiliasi dengan unsurapapun dan diakses via online.Ikuti update berita, artikel dan kajian Infoisco di :1. Fans Page Facebook :ISCO (Islamic Studies CenterOnline),2. Twitter : @Info_ISCO3. Website : www.infoisco.comInfoisco juga hadir melalui radio streaming dengan kajian rutinsetiap akhir pekan.Pemateri:Guntara Nugraha Adiana Poetra, Lc, M.A. (PIMRED, Dosen Fakultas Dakwah Universitas IslamBandung/UNISBA)Materi kajian:- Kitab “Riyadush Shalihin” Karya Imam Nawawi yang disarh(dijelaskan) Syeikh Muhammad bin Shalih Utsaimin rahimahumallahTa’ala- Dan kajian umum lainnyaWaktu :Setiap Sabtu, ba'da isya' sampai dengan selesai*Cara mengikuti kajian :1- Skype ID : Guntaranugraha atau [email protected] atau bisa jugamelalui Facebook pemateri Guntara Nugraha Adiana Poetra(untuk tanyajawab dan konsultasi)2- Radio streaming Radio player di web versi desktop.Download Audio Kajian Kitab Sarh Riyadush Shalihin BersamaPIMRED ISCO : didukung oleh:1. Jasa travel pelayanan umroh, haji serta wisataTimur Tengah :Umroh & Haji Alkhan Tour2. Komunitas para pecinta Al Qur'an : Qur'an untuk kita / groupdi facebook3. Supplier pakaian bayi dan balita : Panda FashionBaby/www.pandafashionbaby.comSilahkan disebarluaskan. Semoga bermanfaat dan menjadi ladangamal bagi kita semua. Ya Robbana===========*Pemateri bisa berganti dan jadwal kajian bisa berubahsewaktu-waktu, namun kajian akan tetap berlangsung dan digantidilain waktu disertai dengan rekaman agar memudahkan rekan-rekaninfoisco tetap bisa mengikuti kajian secara rutin.Note : Untuk membuka aplikasi ini membutuhkan koneksiinternetISCO (Islamic StudiesCenter Online) is now released an official application (official)for Android to facilitate the viewers INFOISCO using AndroidSmartphone.This application provides information about the world of Islam,science, quality articles, studies are progressive, covering allaspects, not affiliated with any element and is accessible viaonline.Follow news updates, articles and studies Infoisco in:1. Fans Page Facebook: ISCO (Islamic Studies CenterOnline)2. Twitter:Info_ISCO3. Website: www.infoisco.comInfoisco also present through radio streaming with regularreview every weekend.Speakers:Nugraha Guntara Adiana Poetra, Lc, M.A. (Pimred, Faculty of Da'wa Islamic University of Bandung /UNISBA)Study material:- The Book "Riyadush Shalihin" Works of Imam Nawawi who disarh(described) Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih Uthaymeen rahimahumallahExalted- And other general studiesTime :Every Saturday, ba'da Isha 'until the finish *How to follow the study:1- Skype ID: Guntaranugraha or [email protected] or it could bethrough Facebook speakers Guntara Nugraha Adiana Poetra (fordebriefing and consultation)2- Radio streaming web radio player in the desktop version.Download Audio Study of the Book of Sarh Riyadush Shalihin JointPimred ISCO: supported by:1. The services of travel services Umrah, Haj and CentralwisataTimur: Umrah & Hajj Alkhan Tour2. Community connoisseurs Qur'an: Qur'an to us / group onfacebook3. Supplier baby and toddler clothes: Panda Fashion Baby /www.pandafashionbaby.comPlease disseminated. May be useful and be charitable fields forall of us. Yes Robbana===========* Speakers can be changed and study schedule can change at anytime, but the study will continue and be replaced next time inorder to facilitate the recording accompanied by fellow infoiscostill able to follow the study regularly.Note: To open this app requires internet connection
Ucapan Selamat Pagi 1.0
HM Dev
Ucapan selamat pagi untuk kekasih, pacar,sahabat, teman terdekat atau orang tercinta. Kamu dapat mengirimkankata - kata ini kepada mereka. Pada aplikasi selamat pagi initerdapat 100 kata - kata yang dapat kamu kirimkan. Ucapan selamatpagi ini juga dapat kamu share ke social media sebagai status pagi.Ungkapkan rasa cintamu pada pagi hari :)Semoga bermanfaat :)Saying good morning to alover, girlfriend, best friend, closest friends or loved ones. Youcan send the word - this word to them. In the application of thismorning there are 100 words - words that you can send.Congratulations this morning, you can also share to social media asa status morning.Express your love in the morning :)May be useful :)
Ucapan Selamat Malam 1.0
HM Dev
Ucapan selamat malam untuk kekasih, pacar,sahabat, teman terdekat atau orang tercinta sebelum tidur. Kamudapat mengirimkan kata - kata ini kepada mereka. Pada aplikasiselamat malam ini terdapat 100 kata - kata yang dapat kamukirimkan. Ucapan selamat malam ini juga dapat kamu share ke socialmedia sebagai status malam sebelum tidur.Ungkapkan rasa cintamu pada malam hari sebelum tidur :)Semoga bermanfaat :)Congratulations night forlovers, girlfriend, best friend, closest friend or a loved onebefore bed. You can send the word - this word to them. On theapplication of congratulations this evening there are 100 words -words that you can send. Congratulations this evening you can alsoshare to social media as a status the night before going to bed.Express your love at night before going to bed :)May be useful :)
10+ Resep Sayur Sederhana 1.0
HM Dev
Resep Sayur sederhana untuk para ibu dan anakperempuan yang ingin memasak sayur yang simple, mudah, enak dansederhana. Resep Sayu ini termasuk resep sayur bayam, resep sayurkangkung, resep sayur terong balado, resep sayur toge, dan resep -resep lainnya.Resep sayur sederhana yang ada di aplikasi ini sangat mudah untuklangsung di coba di rumah anda.Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaatVegetable recipe issimple to women and girls who want to cook vegetables is simple,easy, tasty and simple. This includes prescription prescriptionglazed spinach, kale vegetable recipe, vegetable recipes Baladoeggplant, vegetable sprouts recipe, and the recipe - otherrecipes.Simple vegetable recipes in this application is very easy to livein try in your home.Good luck and hopefully useful
Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru 1.0
HM Dev
Ucapan selamat tahun baru untuk orang - orangterdekat, seperti pacar, teman, kekasih, sahabat, saudara, adik,kakak, dan sebagainya. Pada aplikasi ini terdapat banyak kata -kata yang dapat kamu pilih sesuai selera dan dapat kamu kirim keorang - orang tersebut diatas. Kamu dapat mengirim ucapan - ucapanini ke mereka melalu sms, line, bbm, wa. dll.Ungkapkan rasa sayangmu di moment terbaik ini :)Selamat Tahun Baru 2016Happy New Year !!Semoga bermanfaat :)Congratulations new yearfor people - people nearby, such as a boyfriend, friend, lover,friend, brother, sister, brother, and so on. In this applicationthere are many words - words that you can choose according to tasteand you can tell it to people - those mentioned above. You can senda greeting - greeting is to them through sms, line, fuel, wa. etc.Express the love of the best at this moment :)Happy New Year 2016Happy New Year !!May be useful :)
Best Love Poem Collections 1.0
HM Dev
Find the perfect love poem for you to sendtosomeone you love. Love poetry is the language spoken byeveryone,but understood only by the heart.You can use it to say "I love you" to that person you love oryouwant to fall in love with or win her / his heart.Best Love Poem Collections and Love Sayings are motivationalandinspirational. Poems about love are the verbal expression ofthefeeling of people who are in love or who have failed inlove.You can share this love poem Easily. You may share usingsocialmedia.Find poems on how to say I Like You by using sweet cuteromanticpoems and quotes to express your feelings. Send Love poemto yourloves one with full of romance!
MP3 Player 3.0
HM Dev
MP3 Player is a simple and easy music playerfor your smartphone. You can browse and play all songs on yourdevice quickly with this Mp3 Player App. Play and enjoy your songsby Artists, Albums, Songs, Playlists, and Genres music.Features :- Play all audio format- Create and edit playlist easily- Headset and bluetooth control- Lockscreen play- Music library fast searchEnjoy your favorite songsHave a nice day
Talking Cat Fly Game 1.1
HM Dev
Discover Talking Cat Fly Game for yourAndroiddevices!A cute cat fly to get favorite world apple, but not easy to gettheapples, because the cat had to overcome many obstacles. Thesecatscan fly using red wings. Come help the cute cat to get applestopass obstacles. Talking cat game is easy to play, You simplymovethe paint by tapping to help cats jump over obstacles.Talking Cat Fly Game features:- Beautiful background on this application- Best image quality wallpaper cute cat funny- FREE world games- EASY game to play- There are many maps at every level there is.This game you can play for FREE.Download Talking Cat Fly Game & Enjoy it!
Simple Weather Free 1.0
HM Dev
Simple Weather Free is designed to be asuserFriendly and simple. So you can know the weather conditionsquicklyand easily.Update weather conditions in your area easily. You will knowtheweather in your area just one click.In this Weather App, you can add your location manually, youcanalso view weather maps using the maps in this application.
Mp3 Cutter and Ringtone Maker 1.1
HM Dev
MP3 Cutter and Ringtone Maker is the bestMusicEditor app creates ringtone, alarms, and notifications fromMP3,WAV,AAC/MP4, 3GPP/AMR Audio formats.Make your own Mp3 ringtones with this app easily.App features:- Supports MP3, WAV, AAC, AMR and most other music formats.- View a scrollable waveform representation of the audio file at4zoom levels.- Preview and play all the output ringtone list Easily.- Free to manage your ringtone files. Delete, Edit, setasringtone/Alarm/Notification Tone.- Set start & end for the audio clip, using an optionaltouchinterface.- Record an audio/music for editing.- Tap anywhere on the wave & the built-in Music playerstartsplaying at that position.- Option to Name the new cut clip while saving itasRingtone/Music/Alarm/Notification Tone.
Dinner Recipes Ideas 1.0
HM Dev
Dinner Recipes Ideas for you to cookdinnersfood for your family or someone you love at your home. ThisDinnerRecipes App Free inspires you cooking healthy food fordinner. Therecipes in this application are : Chipotle ChickenFajitas Recipe,Pancetta and Brussels Sprouts Linguine, CrispyChicken Thighs withPeppers and Salsa Verde, Skillet Chicken andSpring Vegetables,Easy One Pot Lasagna, Roasted Chickpea GyrosRecipe, ChorizoRoasted Red Pepper Spinach Gnocchi, Easy Thai ShrimpSoup, BeefStroganoff Recipe, etc.This application there is the step of cooking and detailofingredients, making it easier for you to cook.You can share Dinner Recipes App Free to friends, family,andyour social media.Hopefully this Recipes App helpfulBest Regards
Mp3 Music Player Free 2.0
HM Dev
Mp3 Music Player is the best and FREE musicplayer for Android. Play your favorite song and others files withstyle!This audio player supports almost all types of mp3, midi, wav,flac raw aac files and other audio formats.Stylish, Powerful and Fast Music Player with elegant design.Mp3 Music Player lets you manage all your music files quicklyand easily.Key Features :- Play any artist, album, or playlist on shuffle mode- Plays any audio file format including Mp3 files- Custom Playlist- Library scan- SHAKE it feature- Music Library wide search. Find all your music never been soeasy.- Play any song, any time on any device--mobile, tablet, or yourcomputer- Plays songs from folders and from own libraryEnjoy amazing sound quality
Mp3 Music Player 3.1
HM Dev
Mp3 Music Player is a perfect and powerfulaudio player for android. This music player allow you to createyour own favorite playlist.Mp3 Music Player will guide you to find all the music in yoursmartphone easily.Key Features :- Mp3 Player- Plays all audio format file- Create and edit your songs into playlist easily- Play songs by Artists, Albums, Songs, Playlists and genres- Give your phone a shake to play next/previous song (SHAKE itfeature)- Headset and Bluetooth support- Music Library quick search- Show recent playlist- Sleep timer- Lock screen play
Petualangan Si Sholeh 1.0.0
HM Dev
Pertualangan si soleh 2016,adalah game pertualangan platform untuk android,game ini di desain untuk kalian yang ingin mencari hiburan,terdapat 3 Level untuk game ini,tujuan game ini adalah untuk mencari skor sebanyak banyaknya.Fitur*merupakan game dengan gaya klasik*karakter lucu menggunakan blankon jawa*graphik yang bagus dan efek suara yang lucu*terdapat 3 level untuk kamu mainkan*kontrol yang mudah*dapatkan score sebanyak mungkin*tidak memerlukan koneksi internet*gratis+perhatianMainkan game ini dalam mode android mu.Download game gratis ini dan maikan sekarang jugaExploration of thesoleh2016is a platform adventure game for android,This game is designed for guys who want to be entertained,There are three levels to this game,the purpose of this game is to look for a score as much.features* Is a game with a classic style* Funny character using Java blankon* Graph which was nice and funny sound effects* There are three levels for you to play* Easy control* Get the score as much as possible* Does not require an internet connection*free+ attentionPlay this game in your android mode.Download this free game and maikan now
Salad Recipes Free 1.0
HM Dev
Salad Recipes Free for you to make a saladathome easily and quickly. This Recipes App is very easy for youtotry. You can certainly make a delicious salad. Salad recipesinthis app: Watercress and Feta Salad With Beets, Romaine SaladWithTomatoes and Bacon, Mesclun Salad With Chickpeas andDriedCherries, Spinach Salad With Avocado and Pepper, Greens WithQuickArtichoke Vinaigrette, etc.This salad recipe you can share to your friends andyourfamily.Happy cooking
Ringtone Maker For Android 1.1
HM Dev
Ringtone Maker For AndroidMake your own MP3 ringtones with this Ringtone Maker Appsquicklyand easily. You can even record a live audio and this MP3editorcan edit and trim the best parts from it for free. You caneditmp3, wav, aac, amr and other audio files.How to use Ringtone Maker For Android:1.Select mp3/music from your mobile or from Recordings.2.Select area to be chopped from your audio.3.Save as Ringtone/Music/Alarm/Notification.
Mp3 Music Cutter Free 1.1
HM Dev
This Mp3 Music Cutter and Ringtone Maker isoneof the FREE Music Edit app for create MP3, ringtone, alarms,andnotifications from WAV,MP3,AMR Audio formats. You can alsorecordyour own live audio and this new mp3 sound can edit and trimthebest parts from it. The user interface was designed withspeed,accuracy and ease of use in mind.How to use this Mp3 Music Cutter and Ringtone Maker:1.Select mp3/music from your mobile or from Recordings.2.Select area to be chopped from your audio.3.Save as Ringtone/Music/Alarm/Notification.Create your own Ringtone with this Mp3 Music Cutter Apps
Ringtone Maker Pro 1.1
HM Dev
♪ Ringtone Maker Pro ♪Ringtone Maker Pro is FREE Music Editor app createsringtone,alarms, and notifications from MP3, WAV,AAC/MP4, 3GPP/AMRAudioformats. Simply select a song, swipe the audio wave, select ashortclip, and create your ringtone. It's so easy!Cut the best part of your audio song and save it asyourRingtone/Alarm/Music File/Notification Tone. The cut resultsarestored in "/mnt/sdcard/media/audio".How to use :1.Select mp3/music from your mobile or from Recordings.2.Select area to be chopped from your audio.3.Save as Ringtone/Music/Alarm/Notification.
Mp3 Music Cutter 1.1
HM Dev
Mp3 Music Cutter and Ringtone MakerMp3 Music Cutter is free Music Editor app creates ringtone,alarms,and notifications from MP3, WAV,AAC/MP4, 3GPP/AMR Audioformats.Cut the best part of your audio song and save it asyourRingtone/Alarm/Music File/Notification Tone.Make your own MP3 ringtones with this all in one new appeasily.Supports MP3, WAV, AAC, AMR and most other music formats.How to use Mp3 Cutter and Ringtone Maker:1.Select mp3/music from your mobile or from Recordings.2.Select area to be chopped from your audio.3.Save as Ringtone/Music/Alarm/Notification.
Free Mp3 Player 1.0
HM Dev
Free Mp3 Player is a simple and perfectmusicplayer for your smartphoneFeature :- Audio Player- Mp3 Player- Custom Playlist- Shake feature- Quick library scan- Powerful music playerDownload Mp3 Player now
Mp3 Ringtone Maker 1.1
HM Dev
♪ Mp3 Ringtone Maker ♪Mp3 Ringtone Maker is a FREE Music Editor/Alarm Tonemaker/Ringtonemaker/Notification Tone creator. Supports MP3, WAV,AAC, AMR andmost other music formats.Cut the best part of your audio song and save it asyourRingtone/Alarm/Music File/Notification Tone. Make your ownMP3ringtones fast and easy with this all in one new app.Key Features :- Supports MP3, WAV, AAC, AMR and most other music formats.- Create custom alarms, music, notifications and ringtones- Tap anywhere on the wave & the built-in Music playerstartsplaying at that position.- Create new ringtones from your existing music- Record ringtones with your device- Preview demo before saving
Mp3 Cutter Pro 1.1
HM Dev
♪ Mp3 Cutter Pro ♪Make your own MP3 ringtones fast and easy with this Mp3 CutterProApp. Cut the best part of your audio song and save it asyourRingtone/Alarm/Music File/Notification Tone.1.Select mp3/music from your mobile or from Recordings.2.Select area to be chopped from your audio.3.Save as Ringtone/Music/Alarm/Notification.Key Features :- Supports MP3, WAV, AAC, AMR and most other music formats.- Create custom alarms, music, notifications and ringtones- Tap anywhere on the wave & the built-in Music playerstartsplaying at that position.- Zoom In & Out for easy editing- Create new ringtones from your existing music- Record ringtones with your device- Preview demo before saving
Mp3 Player For Android 2.0
HM Dev
Mp3 Player is a simple and powerful musicplayer for your Android.Enjoy your favorite songs on your smartphone with this Mp3Player Apps. Browse and play songs on your device with thisapplication easily and quickly.Key Features :- Create and edit playlist- Mp3 Player- Play or shuffle by artists, albums, songs, folders, playlist andgenres.- Lockscreen play- Home screen widget- Sleep timer- Plays all audio files- Headset and Bluetooth support- Fast library scan- SHAKE phone to change playing music. Give your phone a shake toplay next/previous song- Enjoy the best sound
Hot Drink Recipes Ideas 1.0
HM Dev
Hot Drink Recipes Ideas to warm your body inthe winter. You can make a hot drink at home to drink with family,friends, boyfriends / girlfriends, etc. You can make and enjoy hotdrinks easily and quickly. Drink Recipes App includes : Kahlua HotChocolate Recipe, Gingerbread Hot Cocoa, Homemade White HotChocolate, Frozen Caramel Hot Chocolate, Cookies And Cream HotChocolate, Toasted Marshmallow & Malt Milkshake, Old FashionedEggnog, Spiced Vanilla Pear Apple Cider Recipe, etc.Share this Drink Recipes Ideas Free to your friends by socialmedia.
Fresh Drink Recipes Ideas 1.0
HM Dev
Fresh Drink Recipes Ideas for you who wanttomake a fresh drink at home. This Fresh Drink Recipes Free canhelpyou to make a fresh drink easily and quickly. Ingredientsandinstructions on the application is very clear, so you can trytomake a drink easily.Drink recipes : Recipe Basil Lemonade, Orange Splash, FreshMintMargaritas, Iced Green Tea With Ginger and Mint, Mint CoolerRecipeWatermelon, Pineapple Sparkling Ginger Ale, Mango-PeachFizz,Classic Margarita, Berry Mojito, etc.This Recipes App you can share to your friends and family.
Ringtone Maker 1.1
HM Dev
♪ Ringtone Maker ♪Ringtone Maker is free app creates ringtone, alarms, andnotifications from MP3, WAV,AAC(M4A)/MP4, 3GPP/AMR files. cut thebest part of your audio song and save it as yourRingtone/Alarm/Music File/Notification Tone.Features :- Supports MP3, WAV, AAC, AMR and most other music formats.- Create custom alarms, music, notifications and ringtones- Create new ringtones from your existing music- Edit MP3, M4A, AAC, 3GP and more- Record ringtones with your device- Preview demo before saving- Tap anywhere on the wave & the built-in Music player startsplaying at that position.Enjoy it
Mp3 Cutter Free 1.1
HM Dev
Mp3 Cutter and Ringtone Maker For Free !Make your own Mp3 Ringtones with this mp3 cutter apps easily.This ringtone maker is also a music editor/alarm tonemaker/ringtonecutter and notification tone creator.Key Features:* Record button at top left of app to record an audio/musicforediting.* Set start & end for the audio clip, using an optionaltouchinterface.* Tap anywhere on the wave & the built*in Music playerstartsplaying at that position.* Editor app creates ringtone, alarms, and notifications fromMP3,WAV,AAC/MP4, 3GPP/AMR Audio formats.* Set the new clip as default ringtone or assign to contacts,usingthis editor.
Ringtone Maker Free 1.1
HM Dev
♪ Ringtone Maker Free ♪Ringtone Maker is a FREE application for creating music editorandcutter for ringtone to your liking. This application supportwithmusic formats MP3, WAV, AAC / MP4, 3GPP / AMR audio, voicerecorderis also available to get unlimited music ringtone andalarm.Cut the best part of your audio song and save it asyourRingtone/Alarm/Music File/Notification Tone. The cut resultsarestored in "/mnt/sdcard/media/audio".Make your own MP3 ringtones fast and easy with this app.
Mp3 Player For Free 2.0
HM Dev
Mp3 Player For FreeMp3 Player is one of the most powerful music player for yourandroid device. You can play your favorite songs on your deviceeasily.Special Features :1. Music Library wide search. Find all your music on yoursmartphone quickly2. Browse and play your music by albums, artists, genres, songs,playlists, folders, and album artists.3. Give your phone a shake to play next/previous song. (shake itfeature)4. Headset support5. Plays any audio file format including Mp3 files6. Lockscreen play7. Home screen widgets8. Create and edit your own playlist9. Elegant user interfaceDownload Mp3 Player For Free Now
Music Player Free 1.0
HM Dev
Music Player Free simple, easy, stylishandelegant design. The music player app allows you to play musicwithdifferent file extension, such as .mp3, .wav, .midi and otheraudioformats. You can play music with this free application easily.features:Quick and easy music searchsupports all popular audio filesElegant appearance and lightweightExtra playlist easilysupports headsetShow playlistPlay the next music in the playlist.
Clima 1.0
HM Dev
La aplicación del tiempo para los quequieranconocer las condiciones meteorológicas forma rápida ysencilla.Puede averiguar las condiciones climáticas sólo un clic.Aplicaciónle permite conocer el tiempo hoy y la próximasemana.The application timeforthose who want to know the weather conditions quickly andeasily.You can find out the weather conditions just one click.Applicationlets you know the time today and next week.
Mp3 Player Pro 2.0
HM Dev
Mp3 Player free is the simple music player.You can enjoy and play the songs on your smartphone with thisMp3 Player App.Mp3 Player App lets you browse all your music files on yoursmartphone quickly and easily.Features :* Create and edit your own playlist easily.* Plays all audio format files.* Plays songs by Artists, Albums, Playlist, and Genres.* SHAKE the phone to play next songs.* Headset and Bluetooth support.* Show recent playlist.* Library quick scan.
Healthy Recipes Free 1.0
HM Dev
Healthy Recipes Free for anyone who wantstocook healthy meals easily and quickly. Applicationshealthyrecipes, there are lots of recipe ideas for breakfast,lunch, anddinner. Ingredients necessary and obvious step forcooking willallow you to cook healthy meals.There is also a recipe that you can share to your socialmediaand also to friends using a private message.Hopefully this recipe app helpfulBest Regards
10+ Resep Minuman Segar 1.0
HM Dev
10+ Resep minuman segar cocok untuk anda yangingin membuat minuman segar sendiri di rumah. Resep minuman segerini terdapat resep es buah, resep es pisang ijo, resep es cincau,dan resep es lainnya.Resep minuman segar ini mudah untuk langsung di coba dirumah.Selamat Mencobo, semoga bermanfaat10+ fresh drink recipeperfect for those who want to create their own fresh drinks athome. Seger drink recipe, there are recipes iced fruit, greenbanana ice recipes, recipes grass jelly ice and other icerecipes.Fresh drink recipe is easy to directly try at home.Congratulations Mencobo, may be useful
Status Galau 1.0
HM Dev
Aplikasi status galau untukmengungkapkanperasaan yang terluka karena cinta. Hati memang sangatsensitive,apalagi masalah cinta, ketika kita mencintai seseorangdengantulus, namun orang tersebut meninggalkan kita sehinggamembuat hatiterluka.Pada aplikasi ini terdapat 100 status galau yang dapatandakirimkan ke mantan pacar dan dibagikan ke social media.Dengan aplikasi ini anda tidak perlu untuk merangkai katagalauuntuk status sosial media anda, cukup kata - kata yangterdapatpada aplikasi dapat menggambarkan perasaan anda.Semoga bermanfaat :)Applicationstroubledstatus to express feelings hurt because of love. Liver isverysensitive, especially about love, when we love someonewithgenuine, but that person left us making the wounded heart.In this application, there are 100 state of confusion thatyoucan send to ex-girlfriend and distributed to social media.With this application you do not need to string words upsetyourmedia to social status, enough words - words contained intheapplication can describe your feelings.May be useful :)
Pantun Tahun Baru 1.0
HM Dev
Pantun tahun baru untuk kamu yang inginupdatestatus media sosialmu dan untuk kamu yang ingin mengirimpantun kepada orang - orang tersayang menggunakan sms, wa, bbm,dll.Pada aplikasi ini terdapat banyak pantun yang bisa kamupakai.Pantun ini juga dapat kamu share dan edit sesukamu.Update status media sosialmu dengan pantun pada tahun baru2016ini.Selamat Tahun Baru 2016Happy New Year !!Semoga bermanfaat :)Pantun new year foryouwho want to update your social media status and for you who wishtosend a rhyme to the people - loved ones using sms, wa,fuel,etc.In this application, there are a lot of rhyme that you can use.Thispoem you can also share and edit as you please.Update your social media status with a poem on the newyear2016.Happy New Year 2016Happy New Year !!May be useful :)
Status Tahun Baru 1.0
HM Dev
Aplikasi status tahun baru ini berisi kata-kata yang dapat kamu gunakan untuk update status media sosialmudimoment tahun baru ini. Kumpulan kata - kata yang ada padaaplikasiini cocok buat kamu yang aktif menggunakan media sosial.Kamu dapatmenggunakan kata - kata ini untuk status medsosmu, jugabisa kamukirimkan kepada orang - orang tersayang. Kamu juga dapatedit kata- kata ini sesukamu.Update status media sosialmu pada tahun baru 2016 ini.Selamat Tahun Baru 2016Happy New Year !!Semoga bermanfaat :)Application of thisnewstatus contains the word - the word that you can use to updateyoursocial media status at the moment the new year. A collectionofwords - words that exist in this application is suitable foryouwho are actively using social media. You can use the word -thisword for medsosmu status, you can also send it to people -peopledear. You can also edit the word - this word please.Update your social media status in the new year 2016.Happy New Year 2016Happy New Year !!May be useful :)
50 Ucapan Selamat Lebaran 2.1
HM Dev
Ucapan selamat lebaran untuk anda yanginginmengirimkan kata- kata ucapan lebaran berupa permintaan maafkepadakeluarga, teman, sahabat, teman dekat, saudara, partnerkerja,mertua, calon mertua dan lain - lain.Setiap kata - kata yang ada pada aplikasi selamat lebaran inidapatdi copy dan share ke BBM, SMS, facebook, dll, sehinggamemudahkananda jika akan share kata - kata selamat lebaran.Eid congratulationstothose of you who want to send words of greeting Eid form ofapologyto the family, friends, close friends, relatives,businesspartners, in-laws, the prospective in-laws and others-others.Every word - a word that is on this Eid congratulationsapplicationcan be copied and shared to BBM, SMS, facebook, etc.,making iteasier for you if it will share the word - the wordcongratulationswidths.
American Breakfast Recipes 1.0
HM Dev
American Breakfast Recipes for you who wanttocook for breakfast. American Recipes Free helps you tocookbreakfast at home quickly and easily. The breakfast food youcanserve to your family and your friends. American BreakfastRecipesApp include: Sausage & Sweet Potato Hash, Sausage EggSubs,Berry Granola Pancakes, Pineapple Oatmeal Recipe, YeastPancakes,etc.This American breakfast recipes ideas you can share toyoursocial media.Happy cooking :)
Infertility Solutions 1.0
HM Dev
Infertility Solutions atausolusiketidaksuburan adalah salah satu aplikasi yang dapat menjadisolusibagi anda yang tidak memiliki keturunan dalam waktu 1tahunpernikahan atau sudah berhubungan dalam jangka waktu lama.Ketidaksuburan menjadi hal yang sulit untuk dibicarakanolehmasyarakat kita, tetapi dengan aplikasi ini kita bisa menjadilebihmengerti dan tau tentang istilah infertility.Infertility Solutionsorsolution of infertility is one of the applications that can beasolution for those of you who do not have children within 1 yearofmarriage or have been in contact for a long time.Infertility is a difficult thing to talk about in oursociety,but with this application we can be better understood andknewabout the term infertility.
Wetter 1.0
HM Dev
Diese Wetter-App für Sie kennendieWetterbedingungen schnell und einfach. Sie könnendieWetterbedingungen mit nur einem Klick erfahren. So können Sieallesvor dem Beginn der Tätigkeit vorzubereiten.Diese Wetter-App ist einfach, kostenlos und einfachzubedienen.Hoffentlich nützlich.This weather app foryouknow the weather conditions quickly and easily. You can findoutthe weather conditions with just one click. So you canprepareeverything before starting the activity.This weather app is simple, free and easy to use.Hopefully useful.
10+ Resep Tempe Tahu 1.0
HM Dev
Aplikasi resep masakan tempe tahu iniuntukanda yang ingin memasak berbagai varian masakan menggunakanbahandasar tempe dan tahu. Pada aplikasi ini terdapat lebih dari10resep olahan tempe dan tahu, diantaranya resep tempe mendoan,reseptempe sambal, resep tempe gulai, resep tempe kering, reseporektempe, resep burger tempe, dan resep tempe tahu lainnya.Setiapresep pada aplikasi ini dijelaskan secara rinci seperti,bahan,bumbu, pelengkap hingga cara memasak / membuat makanantersebut.Semoga aplikasi ini bermanfaat untuk anda :)Applications knowstempehrecipe is for those who want to cook various dishes using avariantof the basic ingredients of tempeh and tofu. In thisapplication,there are more than 10 refined recipes tempeh and tofu,tempehrecipes including mendoan, tempeh chili recipe, recipestempehcurry, dried tempeh recipe, recipe Orek tempeh, tempehburgerrecipes, and other know tempeh recipe. Every recipe inthisapplication is described in such detail, ingredients,spices,complementary to how to cook / make these foods.Hopefully this application is useful for you :)
Best Love Messages 1.0
HM Dev
Share your best love to your lovelypartnerwith a best romantic messageBest App love message for those who want to express my loveforthe couple.This application features:You can share the message just touchShare messages via private messages or social media.Saying Love and Love Quotes of inspiration for you.Say your love for a beloved partner with a romantic message.